Monday, June 13, 2005


She stands not too tall but with an overpowering aura.
Short wavy hair remain calm as she moves.
I have never seen eyes like hers. An intoxicating depth, a compelling softness, an unravelled mystery, fearlessly serene. Always outlined by a line of blackness as if to guard the unique treasure they hold.
There is kindness in this soul like I have never seen, there is calmness in this soul that has been one of the pleasures I have always known.
How she can mollify, rationalize, submit, protest;all with so much fervor.
Her mind is like a fresh flowing river. Bubbling with the ability to change, meandering for answers, fertile;inviting novelty, deep with wisdom and experience of its own and relentlessly active.
There is something prodigious about her character. A look at her past, her achievements, a look at her; would maybe make it all perspicuous.
Her selflessness, an inheritance from her mother, saturates the best and worst of her relationships. How her life has been devoid of a certain pronoun, "me". How it's been inundated with "us", "them", "they". How and why all her actions are directed towards the pleasing, giving and sacrificing for others.
Like a cut diamond, that reflects light from each dimension; every aspect of her reflects depth, understanding, clarity, acceptance and desire to grow.
It maybe that I speak with a bias but can everyone whose known her have a bias.
She stands apart from other women because of the quality of her mind, she stands as the epitome of womanhood because she posseses everything it takes to make a fine woman.
She's the woman I would yearn to have as a friend, wish to have as a spiritual teacher, set as my ideal if she weren't given to me all in the disguise of a mother...