Tuesday, October 10, 2006

The Unseen

It's the one word I'm living on
It's the one hope that keeps me going
It's the only thought that gives me somewhat peace
It's the flame of light in deep darkness
It's the warmth in the harsh coldness
It's the "Ghayab", the Unseen.

It's believing in something I don't see.
It's knowing something that does not exist.
It's trusting nothing but a feeling.

On a dark lonely night, it's believing in the unseen power of the moonlight.
In the depths of loneliness, it's faith in the unknown warmth of companionship.
During a war, it's the childish hope of peace.

It's this faith in the Ghayab that I'm holding onto.
The Unseen seems much more boundless and bountiful.
Its mystery and depth seems to be carrying what I'm yearning for; miracles.

In every prayer, I ask God to carve ways from the Unseen.
To cause miracles that I so need.
To bring me to the destination that I've yearned to see.
A reward for believing in the Unseen....

How much longer?
How much harder?
How much farther?
Till I'm shown the Unseen


Blogger Reej Q said...

This, I can relate to... I love the way you can make everything sound so normal, as though everything is okay when it's not and like it's alright to follow your senses, when anyone else would call it madness.. *hug*

10:10 AM  
Blogger M Shoaib Sheikh said...

nice write-up..Is that yours ?

12:41 PM  

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