Friday, September 09, 2005

Lost Forever

I've seen glass break, it shatters into pieces. In a moment, something becomes nothing.
I see life. It ends so abruptly. In a moment, someone becomes nothing.
My father's best friend passed away. The most common subject and character in all my dad's college year stories; he is now only a figment of those memories.
I rememeber my last conversation with him; I kind of knew somewhere it might be the last, I hoped I was wrong. The sweetness and softness of his voice lingers in my ears, I will never hear it again. The youth and clamour of laughter and giggles that I heard in my father's voice while talking to his friend, I will never hear again.
I think of him every night, it saddens me. His death, the reality of life saddens me.
It's been a year since my grandmother passed away. It's just started sinking in.
Death was always such an abstract concept for me. It's complexity perplexed me, its finality and simplicity depresses me. I've seen it more closely, I wish I could keep its shadow off all those I love.
A being lives for fifty, thirty, seventy years. It takes less than thirty days for them to be forgotten, for them to become a rare topic. What then is the value of life?.
Who you once used to walk on the ground with, now lies deep below it. How must they be?.
A hurricane takes a nation by surprise. Sweeps away lives, property, sanity, peace, and normality. Lives lost.....they will remain only statistics in newspapers and history books.
Life is so fragile, it doesn't break for it be even fixed; it just ends.
Like my father's friend did.
A friendship of countless years lost in moments. A life of so many years, lost in moments.
Lost, never to be found again. When death visits, someone is lost, lost forever.
And that "forever" is what hurts....


Blogger Unknown said...

I liked this one a lot. 2005 was a year in which so many people I knew became nothing but memories and phantom presences. Well-written. Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. I appreciate it. Will be visiting your blog often :-)

11:44 AM  

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